Best Cosmetic Dentists Toronto ON


Many men and women in Toronto, ON care about the health and beauty of their smiles. They often take their time finding the right cosmetic dentists to meet their unique needs. They then work closely with dental teams to achieve the best results from treatments. Once they meet Dr. Jordan Soll, they can rest assured they have found a dentist who can meet their various needs. Dr. Soll, a highly sought after and respected dentist, who enjoys transforming smiles at his practice, Central Dental Group. Utilizing his artistic skills as a cosmetic dentist, Dr. Soll can turn visions into realities.

During a consultation, Dr. Soll will want to understand your smile goals. Consider your answers to the following questions:

  • Do you want to have your smile brightened?
  • Do misshapen teeth bother you?
  • Do you have mildly misaligned teeth?
  • Are your teeth chipped or cracked?
  • Do you have gaps between your teeth?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, Dr. Soll and his team can help. By utilizing a tooth-colored composite resin, we can restore natural beauty to the smile with dental bonding. We apply the material to the teeth you wish to have transformed. Composite resin can be used to whiten the smile, restore damaged teeth, close gaps between teeth, and provide the appearance of perfectly straight teeth.

Dr. Soll can also transform the smile with veneers. For treatment, wafer thin shells placed on teeth that are misaligned, gapped, chipped, cracked, or severely discoloured. The veneers are made of porcelain, which is a stain resistant, strong, durable material that blends nicely with the smile. We can ensure precise fit, colour shade, and shape before we send impressions to a dental laboratory for fabrication of the final veneers. In less than two weeks, the final restorations will arrive from the laboratory. Dr. Soll will permanently bond them to the teeth, transforming smiles from dull to radiant.

Do you want to have your smile rejuvenated by Dr. Soll? If you do, we recommend scheduling a consultation appointment with him by calling our friendly and helpful team today at (416) 789 1372.

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